Actress Aditi Budhathoki, after the failure of the film ‘Babari’ produced by her home production, has not been associated with any other films. Following the film’s failure at the box office, Aditi went to Mumbai and acted in a music video for a Hindi song during this time.
Currently, Aditi is presenting herself in her glamorous avatar after reaching the Maldives. The Maldives is a special destination for Bollywood artists to relax and take holidays. Now this place has become a destination for Nepali artists as well.
It is not the first time that Aditi has presented herself in a glamorous look. Even before entering the film industry, she had taken many glamorous photo shoots and shared those pictures on social media.
Aditi’s journey in the Nepali film industry started with the Nepali film ‘Kri’ in which she was featured in the lead role. After that, she worked in ‘Babari’. However she is more known for her glamour than her work in films.
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